143 days....

Now that the Yankees are officially out of it, we can start the countdown to spring training... 143 days to go!

She had a bit of a tough night last night. She had some consistent pain in her legs, which is a side effect of either the chemo or the leukemia. Plus, I think she over did it the last few days and then did not get a good night sleep last night. Also, she has noticed that she is starting to lose some hair. If you look at her, you can't tell... but she sees it on her pillow and when she cleans up. I think this has a bit of an emotional impact on her, which definitely doesn't help.

She has another round of chemo tomorrow. We're expecting that she'll do well, just like she has for the last few times.

Over the past few weeks, we've really had some great conversations and spent some great time together. We've been married now for almost 6 years (I know, I can't believe its been 6 years!) and this experience has really given us a new found appreciation for each other. Generally, our conversations are happy and fun, but occasionally, we'll chat about something a little emotional. TJ has this book at home called "Love You Forever" by Munsch (the text is here http://www.rogerknapp.com/inspire/loveforever.htm) and the other night he just kept constantly bringing that one to me. I'd put it down and grab the colors or shapes or any of the other books, and he kept going back to that one. I couldn't read it... just couldn't... Well, i guess my point was, conversations like that are sometimes a little emotional. We're both looking forward to growing old and watching Mr TJ grow up to be a man. It's amazing to me how quickly he went from being a baby to a toddler.

Much to my surprise, Anna is not going stir crazy. She seems to keep herself pretty occupied and is at peace with this situation, though she is looking forward to going home at some point. I think I'd be bouncing off the walls and probably would have slipped the housekeeping people a couple bucks to sneak me out of here for a couple hours.

Overall though, she continues to do great, is in good spirits and is full of faith. Anna's Aunt Xiomara and Anna's grandma are staying with me and TJ this week. So far, its going great and we're real appreciative of the support.


Benson's picture

Keen GOP strategists know

Keen GOP strategists know that McCain’s got a nearly insurmountable hill to climb here 640-460 braindumps. The war/economy/Bush’s coattails have made the Republican label absolutely toxic 646-230 braindumps. 25% of Republicans have been casting votes for Huckabee/Paul/Romney in the primaries since McCain clinched the nomination 650-175 braindumps. While Limbaugh and the AM noise machine continue to provide bread and circus for the average Republican, Rove, Gingrich, and the party architects are shifting focus from how to beat Obama to how to save the GOP from the Whigs’ fate.

klifite's picture

It's been a long time.

Hello Tom
I am so sorry to hear about Anna. Your mom has told me a lot about her and she sounds like a great person a person that I would someday like to meet . Your mom says she has a lot of faith and that is what she needs now, that and you. Your writing tells me a lot about you, I can tell you are wonderful husband and father. Keep the faith Tom, everything will be okay.
I will keep your family in my prayers.
Kathy Lifite

nena's picture

Sunday was a sad day in the Bronx

Hello! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I’m so glad to hear that you are responding well to the treatment. Nena, do not worry about your hair! You are still a sexy beast. ;)
I’m thinking of you 24/7. Love ya!