mack truck

She felt like she got run over by a mack truck today. Nothing specific occured to cause this, it really is just a result of the leukemia and the treatments. She was talking with one of the nurses earlier and the nurse said that Anna was really on a high for a while... this treatment stuff has a tendency to really beat up on your system so she had been doing way better than anyone could have possibly imagined. Today was one of those days where she was brought back down to earth a little bit in that everything was a little more difficult. She was still able to clean up, walk around, eat, spirits are still high, etc but you can tell that everything hurts a little more and the energy level just isn't what it was. I think we're going to have some good days and some bad days... and this one probably was a little closer to one of the bad days. But, in reality the bad day wasn't really all that bad. There is a lot to be thankful for.

Also, today was the day that they changed the port again. This one was very easy and she did not feel a thing. They definitely figured out what happened last time. Apparently, the hospital had started changing needle sizes/types or something like that and she got caught in the middle of a bit of a mix up. Either way, it's all sorted out at this point. This was another hurdle and anxiety point that she was able to overcome. Moving forward, this should be a bit of a non-event.

Thanks again everyone for the comments, thoughts and prayers, etc. It's amazing how many people I hear from that say they check the blog regularly. It has really worked out well as a method of communication.

Xiomara (Sam) goes home tomorrow. Thanks Sam and Abuela (Anna's Grandma) for helping this week. TJ had a great time and I'm glad it went well. My parents are next up in the rotation, so they'll be down on Sunday.

Stephanie: Regarding colors, she says blue, gray, beige...

Niko: Pay attention in school. Call me if you need help. Seriously.


nena's picture

Rice and Beans

I feel you on the 3am rice and beans. It's 3am in Vegas and I could use some rice and beans but I'll have to settle for Mickey Ds, :(. Sorry to hear that you had a bit of a rough day. I know you are extremely strong so hang in there.
I didn't know TJ was left handed? That explains a lot....left handed people are awesome (I'm left handed). :P
Roger says hello and will keep you in his prayers.

Stephanie H's picture

to be expected

Hi Anna,
Now is the time for you to hunker down, close your eyes and imagine warm, healing light. Rest easy -- very soon this will be a life lesson that you will talk about with strength and wisdom. This is your time to take that deep breath and center yourself, no stress, no worries, just cleansing, healing, good stuff.
With bunches of love being sent your way.

PS Hi Tom, I am one of the friends who checks the blog a couple of times daily -- I am grateful that you are able to share it with us. Take care of yourself too! Kisses to TJ.