I wound up having to travel for a couple days on business, so I didn't get a chance to post yesterday. I got back to Jersey this evening and stopped by the hospital for a little bit. She's had a rough couple of days. We're dealing with a side effect issue, which has left her feeling a bit beat up and without much of an appetite. They are giving her a couple things tonight to help counter the side effect, so we'll see where it goes. Her spirits are still high and she still has a good sense of humor. I didn't spend too much time there, as we were both tired but it was good to see her again. I really missed sitting over there and talking with her. Everything about being over there is just really comfortable and has really become our second home (well, my second home... her first home).
At this point, it'll probably be a few more days before she heads home. Originally, there was a possibility that it could be the end of this week, but it may wind up being the weekend or early next week. I think she's getting pretty eager to come home.