It's Friday...

She had another round of chemo today. This one was administered as a shot. They give you a little bit and wait to see if you are going to have a reaction, then give you the full dosage. She handled it well... all the important numbers remained about where they were supposed to be, so that's a good thing. I just stopped by for a little while tonight and she seems a little extra tired. They also started giving her some other thing today because her white blood cell count is pretty low because of the treatment. This will be another daily thing that they giver her. I don't have an official count, but with all of the pills, shots and things distributed by IV, it's got to be at least 15 different things that they give her. (don't be alarmed by that... it just is what it is). They weighed her today and she's lost a few pounds, but her appetite has been great so we're not worried about her weight at this point.

I think the next dose of chemo is on Monday, so should be a quiet weekend for her to get caught up on some rest.

TJ's back home today. He was walking around with his DVDs and watching Baby Einstein when I left. Anna's aunt Xiomara and grandma are staying with me the next few days, which will be nice as it'll mean TJ also gets to stay at home.

She wanted to thank Gram (my Grandmother) and Ruth (2 doors down) for sending cards today. Also, thanks everyone for the continued comments, emails, etc.

I have to wrap up early tonight.. I'll post some more over the weekend. Have a great weekend.


Hank's picture

* I replaced the beats as

* I replaced the beats as shown in the screenshot with cleaner tones generated from GarageBand HP0-Y17 exam.
* Rather than stopping all audio now on each beat, it only resets the ones that are going to play again. That way, things like the crash cymbal that I added in are allowed to ring out for their full second or so if they’re not repeated JN0-521 exam. I realize it’s less of a realistic drum machine that way, but I like the effect.
* Using setTimeout was causing some laggy beat issues MB2-631 exam, depending on the browser. I’ve converted it over to using setInterval and it seems a lot smoother.

maltamamma's picture

You're doing GREEEAAATTT!

Hey Anna. You are doing great. You have so much going on and so much going in you. Just hang in there. You are so sweet but know that you are strong and we are here for you.

Hey Tom. Can you buy some Ensure for Anna. Try to make room in the fridge, drink a couple of those beers. They have lots of vitamins and calories and if you pour it over crushed ice, it's kinda like a milkshake. Add a little vodka and it's happy time. Just kidding.

Love ya


lpauls's picture

First post

Dear Tom and Anna,

Sorry for only writing now.
You all are in our prayers, and we think of you constantly, and read and wait for the good news daily.

God Bless,
--Louis, Gerna and the boys.

kreddy's picture

oh, and pps...

just a little family brother Tommy got engaged...yup little "treddy" is gonna get married. I lobbying to be "Best Gal" :)

kreddy's picture

keep truckin Anna!

You sound like you're handling the treatment as well as can be expected. I pray for you every night and pretty much every time I think about you...which is about 10,000 times a day. Feel the good kreddy vibes coming your way.

ps - Tom if you keep beers in the fridge, please don't think about stepping it up to Jager-bombs...just a suggestion


Ira Goodman's picture

Rest Up

You both should rest and gain strength. Thanks for the continued blog diligence Tom. Anna - I prayed for you in Temple tonight (making it even closer to G-d)