tom's blog

the week in review...

Anna is settling in very nicely to her new schedule. The current schedule includes a check up on Monday and then a spinal tap (chemo) on Wednesday. She continues to take chemo pills as well, but since she takes those at home and don't seem to beat her up as much as some of the other stuff, the schedule is better than it has been. With this schedule she's pretty beat up on Wednesday and Thursday, but gains some additional energy by the weekend. This weekend was too cold to go out and do anything, but she was more active in the house than she's been in quite a while. She'll have a couple more weeks of this same schedule, so it'll be nice to get in a bit of a routine (especially one where she feels pretty good).

My mom was down this past week, so that was nice as it means that TJ and Anna are both here. TJ's back in the city this week with Anna's parents, but Anna decided to stay here... she's feeling good enough to be alone for a couple of days and is planning on driving herself to the appointment on Monday. This will be the first time she's done that, so it'll be a bit of a milestone on the path to well being.

Our friend Kathleen (and Anna's chauffeur) was in a car accident this past week while driving alone. She's out drinking today, so must be doing OK overall... little nervous when the chauffeur wrecks the car, but glad to hear Kathleen is bouncing back.

Pittsburgh looked great! Looking forward to seeing them again next week. Too bad about the G-men.

where does the time go?

Can't believe everyone will be back to work/school tomorrow. The past couple weeks went by pretty quick for us.

Anna is doing pretty well. She is down to a twice a week schedule for going to the hospital. One day is just a check-up (which is pretty quick) and then another day which is the spinal tap (which is an all day event). On top of that, she does have to take chemo pills, but she can do that at home. She's a little slow moving in the mornings, but by afternoons/evenings seems to have some pretty good energy. She's getting more active around the house, but the cold weather outside has really prevented her from doing too much outside of the house.

Lele and Niko were here this past week and then went home on Saturday night. My mom heads down this week, so she'll be taking care of things for a bit (and Kathleen is driving on Wednesday, as it's too long of a day for TJ). Anna and TJ have been home for a couple weeks in a row now. It feels pretty good to have them around. We have another week at home and then they'll head back to her parent's place for a week.

good news

Anna went in for her checkup today and got a double dose of good news. The results from last week's bone marrow test came back and she remains in remission (woo hoo) and her counts were pretty good so she didn't need the platelets (or transfusion or anything else). She's back over there tomorrow for the spinal tap, so it'll be a long, slow day....

Went to the Rangers game tonight. Was a real good game. That's it.