A few administrative items first... I've received a couple people reaching out about the same things:
1. If you created an account, but didn't get the email then please check your spam filter/folder. If you still don't get it, then email me and I'll create the account for you.
As a side note, we have 87 signed up users and a bunch of others that just read but haven't created an account. We have heard from people from NY, NJ, Florida, DC, Texas, Toronto, Cuba, Latin America, Milan, London, Australia and probably a whole bunch of other places that I cant remember right now. pretty impressive.
2. the way the blog works is that on the homepage, it only shows the first 800 characters or so. To see the full post, click on the title or the Read More button - PAY ATTENTION MOM AND STOP COMPLAINING THAT YOU DIDN'T RECEIVE TJ'S PICTURES :)
OK, now back to our regularly scheduled programming and stuff that is really important.